No great achievement is possible without persistent work. 2021-May-Sat 释义 Everything will be fine. 2021-Apr-Thu 释义 All that really matters that is you don't stop trying. 2021-Apr-Tue 释义 It's good to get out of your comfort zone. 2021-Apr-Sun 释义 Never forget who you are. 2021-Apr-Wed 释义 Live life to the fullest. 2021-Apr-Tue 释义 Friendship is love and understanding. 2021-Apr-Fri 释义 Change life, start fresh. 2021-Apr-Mon 释义 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. 2021-Apr-Sun 释义 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. 2021-Mar-Sun 释义 Always try to see the best in people. 多 2021-Mar-Sat 释义 No matter how bad you feel,never give up. 2021-Mar-Fri 释义 You only win when you maintain your dignity. 2021-Mar-Fri 释义 When things are looking down, look up. from youdao 2021-Feb-Wed 释义 It's not too late to right past wrongs. from youdao 2021-Feb-Sat 释义 Success is waking up in the morning, so excited about what you have to do. 2021-Feb-Tue 释义 My life is my own. 2021-Jan-Sat 释义 A man makes his own way. 2020-Dec-Tue 释义 You just need to know what to look. 2020-Dec-Sun 释义 How can a dull man save himself? 2020-Dec-Thu 释义 The only real failure is the failure to try. 2020-Dec-Wed 释义 The world needs you. 2020-Dec-Sat 释义 Really get to know yourself before you make any decision. 2020-Dec-Thu 释义 I could buy anything, but I couldn't buy time. 2020-Dec-Thu 释义 Never wasting an hour, never letting one moment go cold. 2020-Dec-Tue 释义 What's past is prologue. 2020-Nov-Fri 释义 Through love comes calm, and through calm comes thought. 2020-Nov-Sat 释义 The strongest person is the person who isn't scared to be alone. from 有道 2020-Nov-Wed 释义 Nothing that has meaning is easy. from 有道 2020-Nov-Tue 释义 Stuck in a bottleneck,Unable to extricate themselves. from 有道 2020-Nov-Mon 释义 However dark and scary the world might be right now, there will be light. 来自有道 2020-Sep-Tue 释义 It's not much, but it's home. from 有道 2020-Aug-Tue 释义 Don't dream it, be it. from youdao 2020-Aug-Mon 释义 Knowing what you want is half the battle. Most people go through their whole lives not knowing what they want. from youdao 2020-Aug-Tue 释义 Better late than never. From youdao 2020-Jul-Wed 释义 Accept the things you cannot change. Have the courage to change the things you can. From youdao 2020-Jul-Fri 释义 Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around. From youdao 2020-Jun-Thu 释义 You never want your kids to see you scared. You wanna be that rock that they can grab ahold of in a stormy sea. From youdao 2020-Jun-Sun 释义 What's your superpower?Courage. From youdao 2020-Jun-Sun 释义